Thursday, September 28, 2017



                                                                                    (jawar Mohammed irra )
Akkuma hundi keenya quba qabnu ilmaan Oromoo Kuma Dhibbaa ( 100,000) ol tahan Abdi Ileefi Wayyaanotaan naanno Soomalee akkasumas Somaliland irraa buqqaafamanii Oromiyaatti galfamanii jiran. Ummata kana simatanii qubachiisuudhaaf Oromoon hundi gamtaadhaan duula guddaa godhaa jiru. Gumaata isaanis hamma danda'an hundaan godhaa jiru. Hanga ammaa gargaarsi miliyoona 150tti shallagamu akka sassaabame gabaafameera. Gargaarsa kana qindeessuufi ummata kanaan qubachiisuuf koreen ol'aantummaan hogganu kan miseensa 10 qabu ijaaramee jira. Obboleeyyan keenya diinni buqqaasee baqachiise kana hamileen simachuu irratti hojiin hanga ammaa hojjatame kan nama boonsuudha. Gara fuulduraas uummata kana qubachiisuuf hojii cimaa gaafata. 
Haaluma kanaan...
1) Koreen uummata kana qubachiisuuf dhaabbatefi Mootummaan Naannoo Oromiyaa qabeenya ilmaan Oromoo kun itti xaaranii horatan kan naannoon Soomalee irraa ariite deebisiisuuf carraaqqii cimaa gochuu qaba. Qabeenyi hedduun akka saamame ifa. Ta'us qabeenya dhaabbataa akka manaa baqattoonni kun akka gurgurtan haala mijeessuu feesisa. Qabeenya saamameef ammoo mootummaan naannoo Soomalee beenyaa gahaa akka kennu dhiibbaan seeraafi siyaasaa irratti godhamuu qaba;
2) Hamma Uummata kana qubachiisuuf barbaachisu gahuu baatus hanga ammattii maallaqa guddaatu walitti qabame. Gara fuulduraattis akka itti fufu ni abdatama. Rakkoo osoo hin eeggamin mudate kanaaf saffisaan qophiidhaan ala maallaqa walitti qabuun rakkoolee muraasa uumus, akkaataan hanga ammaa maallaqni walitti itti qabame rakkoo guddaa waan qabu hin fakkaatu. Ta'us godinoota muraasatti bulchiinsi magaalalee akkaawuntii mataa isaanii banuun shakkii uumee jira. Kanaafuu Koreen jiddugaleessaan waan kana akka qindeessuuf ijarame haala kana too'atee furmaata hattattamaa itti kennuu qaba. Maallaqa godinootaafi aanaalee irratti walitti qabaman akkaawuntii ifaafi uummatni beekutti saffisaan akka galu godhuu qabu; 
3) Hanga ammaatti hojiin hojjatame baqattoota kana simachuu, hamilee isaanii tiiksuufi balaa biraatiif akka hin saaxilamne dhaqqabuudha. Kanumaafis baqattoonni hedduun gara aanaalee dura gara Soomaaleetti irraa imalaniirti ( gara osoo naannoo Soomalee hin dhaqin keessa jiraataa turaniitti) deebifamanii jiru. Kanneen hafan ammoo bakkoota garagaraatti mooraa waraanaa, manneen barnootaafi gamoolee bulchiinsaa keessatti tajaajilamaa jiru. Kanaafuu bakkoota yeroodhaaf itti dahatan kanatti tajaajilli fayyaa, nyaataa, uffataafi kanneen biroo jabaatee itti fufuu qaba. Bakkoota hedduutti uummanni magaalota isaan keessa qubatanii akka gaaritti baqattoota tajaajiluu kan itti fufe ta'us haqinni qindoominaa mul'ataa jira. Bakka tokko tokkotti ammas gargaarsi gahaan dhaqaa hin jiru. Kanaafuu rakkoo kana furuun baqattoonni bakka yeroof dahatanii jiranitti kunuunsi qaamaafi qalbii gahaan godhamuufi qaba;
4) Dhimmi hundarra guddaa garuu uummata ari'amee eddoo jireenyaa isaanirraa buqqa'ee, baqate gara biyya ofiitti deebi'e kana bifa dhaabbataan qubsiisuun jiruu isaaniitti akka deebi'an dandeessisuudha. 
Kana gochuudhaaf
A. Ragaa guutuu eenyummaa isaanii galmeessanii qabachuun barbaachisadha ( Kana akkuma isaan Oromiyaatti deebi'aniin akka irraa fuudhan abdii qabna). Odeeffannoo akkasii qabaachuun namoonni kun eessaafi hojii akkamii irratti yoo bobba'an bifa tasgabbaa'aafi itti fufiinsa qabuun jiruu isaanii deebisanii ijaarrachuu danda'an jedhu tilmaamuufi karoora baasuuf fayyada. Odeeffannoo bu'araa kanaan dabalata fedhiifi hawwii dhuunfaa isaanii gaafachuun hiree argamuun wal simsiisuun barbaachisaadha;
B. Ummanni kun akka waliigalaattis ta'ee akka dhuunfaatti eessa yoo qubsiifamaniifi hojii akkamiitti yoo bobbaafaman jiruu gaarii jiraatuu danda'u kan jedhu qorannaa gahaa barbaachisa. Yeroo uummanni kun qubachiifamu fayyadamummaa isaaniitin dabalatee dantaa diinagdeefi siyaasaa sabaafi biyyaattiitis hubannaa keessa galchuun barbaachisaa akka ta'e yaadota torban dabre ka'an hedduurraa ifa natti fakkaata. Yaadni irra caalaan magaalota Oromiyaa tarsiimawaa namni keenya lakkoofsaan xiqqaa itti ta'e keessa yoo qubachiifaman gara hedduudhaan faaydaa akka qabu ifaadha. Koreen qindeessituu qaamota mootummaa dhimmi ilaaluu waliin ta'uudhaan qorannaa gaarii gochuun ummata kana osoo yeroon hin dheeranne qubachiisuu eegaluu qaban. Murtii irra gahaniifi karoora uummata kana qubachiisuuf qabaniis yeroo gabaabaa keessatti baqattootaafi ummata gargaarsaan isaan bira dhaabbataa jiruuf ifa godhuu qabu;
Walumaagalatti hojiin hanga ammaatti lammiilee keenya diinaan buqqa'aniu eddoo jireenyaafi hojii isaanii akkasumas qabeenya horatan irraa ari'aman simachuu irratti tumsu gara hundaan godhame kan Oromummaa keenyatti daran akka boonnu nu taasiseedha jechuun ni danda'ama. Tumsi Oromummaa kunis fulduree keenyaaf abdiifi hawwii guddaa ta'e kan horuudha. Abdifi hawwiin keenya kun eddoo isaa osoo hin ga'in akka hin hafneef Mootummaan Naannoo Oromiyaa, Koreen Qindeessituu Dhimma Kanaa akkasumas hundi keenyaa gahee nurraa eeggamu hundaa bifa duraanii caalaa cimsinee bahuu qabnan jedha.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017



                                                                                        ( by Jawar Mohammed )

Dhimmi barattoota Oromoo Yunivarsitii Jijjigaa keessatti barachaa turanii fi bara kana achitti ramadamanii hatattamaan furmaanni kennamuu qaba. 

Ilmaan Oromoo Naannoo Somaalee keessatti ajjeefamanii, saamamanii, miidhamanii, Qabeenya miliyoonaan lakkaawamu kan baroota dheeraaf dafqa isaanii xuruurfatanii carraaqqatanii horatan sumuunii malee keessaa ariyataman kuma dhibbootaan lakkaawamu.

ilmaan Oromoo Magaalaa Jijjigaa keessatti akka horiitti qalaman eenyuu kan Wayyaaneen harka qabdee gorra'aa jettee Liyyuu Poolisiif geeysitu eenyu ??
Dhimma kanarratti Mootummaan Federaalaa (wayyaaneen) hatattamaan furmaata kennuun dirqama isaati. Warri Federaalaa itti gaafatamummaa tokkollee fudhatanii Jijjigaa nama geeysuu hin danda'an. Sababni isaas Yunivarsitiin kun hogganamu Liyyuu Poolisiidhaani. Kanaan duraas barattoota Oromoo akka malee hiraarsaa fi rakkisaa turan.
Poolisoonni Liyyuu barattoota Afaan Oromoo dubbatu arkinaan qabanii gara mana hidhaa teeysoon isaa hin beekkamneetti geeysu ykn immoo maallaqa irraa fudhatanii gad lakkisu jedhu barattoonni Oromoo achitti barachaa turan. Barataan Oromoo miilaan gad bahee Jijjigaa keessa deemuuf gatii miilaa kafalaa ture. Barattoonni kanaan dura maallaqa gaafataman dhabuudhaan hidhamanii hanga ammaatti waggaa 2 oliif achi buuteen isaanii hin beekkamne hedduudha kan jedhanis barattootuma achitti barachaa turaniidha. Kanaan booda barataan Oromoo sammuu tasgabbii qabuun gara Jijjigaa deemee baratee gala jedhanii yaaduun waan hin taane.
Furmaanni dhimma kanaa hatattamaan kennamuu qaba.
Akka dirqamaatti obbolummaatti fi qaama dhimmi kun ilaallatuutti immoo:-
√ Mootummaan Naannoo Oromiyaa
√ Ummanni Oromoo bal'aan
√ Barattoonni Oromoo Yunivarsitiilee, M/BQophaa'inaa fi Sadarkaa 2ffaa
√ Aktiivistoota Oromoo 
√ Hayyoota Oromoo fi 
√ Quuqamtoonnii fi jaalattoonni Oromoo tokkummaadhaan dhimma kanaaf xiyyeeffannaa kennuun biyya keessaa fi alaa furmaata itti barbaaduun dirqama Oromummaati. 
Wayyaaneen kan barbaaddu nuutu itti gaafatamummaa fudhataa deemaa barattootaan jettee gaafa barattoonni Oromoo achi deeman ficcisiisuu fi kan hafe baqatee akka bara kanaaf barumsa dhabee galu barbaaddi.
Dhimmi kun dhimma Oromoo fi Oromummaati. 
[ Barento M ] Fuulbana 26, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

IRREECHA 2017 ilaalchisee wanti sirritti ifa ta'uu qabu

IRREECHA 2017 ilaalchisee wanti sirritti ifa ta'uu qabu

                                                                                           ( jawar mohammed irra )
1) Irreechi barana kan wareegamtoota bara dabree ittiin yaadannudha ( memorial). Haaluma kanaan biyya alaatti gaafa Dilbataa ( Onk 1) guutuu addunyaatti sirni duungoo ibsuu akka geggeeffamu Waldaan Maccaa Tuulamaafi Oromoo Support Group waamicha dhiheessanii jiru. Biyya keessatti jalabultii irraa eegalee sirni yaadannoo ni godhama. Iddoo ayyanichaattis taatowwaan yaadannoo ni godhamu.
2) Irreecha kana irratti qondaalli mootummaa kamiiyyuu haasaa akka hin goone waligalteen jira. Abbaan fedhes kana diiguu hin qabu, diignaan rakkootu uumama.
3) Gumiin Abbootii Gadaa hojii nageenyaa poolisii Oromioyaa waliin akka geggeessan foollee 400 qopheessee jira. Foolleen tun leenjii fudhachaa jiru, mallattoo adda isaan godhu qabaatu
4) Irreechi kan nagayaa akka ta'u hawwii hundaati. Bara dabres kan nagaa borce mootummaadha malee hirmaattota miti. Barana loltootaafi qondaalota mootummaahambisuun nageenyi akka hin boorofne ni gargaara. Akka waan ummanni qaama badii bara dabree fakkeessanii dhiheessuun sirrii miti
5) Siidaan tasaa akka jijjiramu jedhameera. Garuu hanga ammaa hin jijjiiramne. Inumaatuu loltootaan eegsisaa jiru. Jechi siidaa sanirra jiru Irreechatti ummata eeguu hin qabu. San duratti ka'uu qaba.
6) Diinni akka ummanni ayyaana jiddugala tokkummaa Oromoo ta'e kana akka baay'atee hin baaneef hamii adda addaa oofun ummata sodaachisee hirmaannaa xiqqeessuu fedha. Ummanni keenya olola akkasiif gurra osoo hin kennine kan durii caalaa buqqa'ee bahuun argamuu diina laayyeessuu qaba!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

OPDOn turtus amma waan ifeef fakkaatt

OPDOn turtus amma waan ifeef fakkaatt ( jawar Mohammed )

OPDOn turtus amma waan ifeef fakkaatti. Lolli Oromiyaa irratti baname kan duriin adda tahuu akka hubatte calaqqisti . Humni Liyyu Poolisii qofa osoo hin loltoonni bitaman Soomaliyaa, Somaliland fi Tigraay irraa akka dhufan ragaa qabatamaan bira gahee jira. Garii ofiifis gabaasuu eegaltee jirti. Humna kana kan nutti bobbaasaa jiru Wayyaanee-Tigree ta'uu afaan baafattee dubbachuu sodaattus warri 'federaala' harkaa qabu akka nutti jiru eeruu eegaltee jirti. Better late than never jennaan. Gara fuulduraatif:
- Dogongora seenaan hin irraanfannee torbanoota dabran keessa hojjattan irra hin deebi'inaa. Kunis Liyyu poolisiin weerara waliigalaa guddaadhaaf akka qophaayaa jiru isinitti himamaa ture. Manguddoon Harargee Bahaa iccitii diinaa irra gahaniifi tarsimoo barbaachisu dhaamsaan himuu waan hin barbaanneef hamma Finfinnee ofii dhufanii torban tokko taa'anii abbaa kanaa namni jedhuun dhabamee abdii kutatanii galan. Manguddoon Booranaafi Baales haaluma kanaan qophii daangaa irratti godhamaa jiru waajjira pirazidantiitiif gabaasaa turan. Mangoddoleen godinootaa kun qondaala mootummaa Oromiyaa isan dhagahu dhabnaan Gumii Abbootii Gadaatti dhaammatan. Abbootiin Gadaas waan dhagayaniifi beekan Lammaa yaamanii yoo itti himan, "soba, lolli homaatuu daangaarraa hin jiru" jedhee itti dheekkamee salphise. Guyyuma san lolli Harargee Lixaan eegale borumtaa Booranaafi Baale bobeessuu eegale. Osoo manguddoofii abbootii gadaa dhaggeeffattanii milishaafi poolisiin daangaa irraa akka qophaayu godhuun danda'ama ture. Silaa gaaga'amni kun hundi nurra hin gahu ture.
- Manguddoo dhagawuu isin didnaan qophii Liiyyu Poolisii saaxiluun ummanni akka of eegu akeekkachiisuun duula miidyaa godhame. Kanas 'warra dubbii daldalutu' odeessa malee lolli homaatuu hin jiru jettan. Inumaatuu warra Lammaa buusuu fedhu olola jedhu as baatan. Osoo ilaalcha dantaa murnaa keessaa baatanii akka mootummaatti of laaltanii 'odeeffannoon xiqqoo hin qabdu' yaada jedhuun sochootu turtan. Jaalattanuu jibbitanuu Qeerroon tarsiimoo odeeffannoo funaanu ( intelligence gathering strategy) keessanirra harka dachaan caaluu akka qabu mirkneessee jira. Isin dabballoota gabaasa sobaa ol erganiifi odeeffannoo dogongorsaa dhaabni basaasaa Wayyaanee isiniif laatu irratti hirkattan. Qeerroon garuu ummata bal'aa bu'ureeffatee odeffannoo guuree, gulaalee, qindeessee, xiinxaleeti kan raabsu.
- Gara fuulduraatif waan ummanni jedhu hin tuffatinaa dhaggeeffadhaa. Amma yeroon oduu dabree jira. Weerara daangaan baname kan ofirraa cabsuuf deeggarsi meeshaaf humna namaa daran dabaluu qaba. Sun garuu gahaa miti. Mootummaa 'federaalaa' isin jettan san irratti dhibbaa geessisuu barbaachisa. Karaa kun ta'uunii qabu keessaa
- Caffeen saffisaan waamamee lola ofirraa ittisuu labsuu qaba
- Guutuu biyyattitti hiriirii mormii mootummaa naannoo Oromiyaatiin yaamamuu qaba
Kana gochuu yoo sodaattan, isiniif hubanna. Akka itti wayyaanee harka kennisiisan Qeerroofi ummanni beeka. Jidduudhaa bayaa!!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Ethiopian Government Proxy war Retaliation against Oromo: Boarder Attacks

The Ethiopian Government Proxy war Retaliation against Oromo: Boarder Attacks
                                                                                                          ( BY: Najat Hamza )
The Ethiopian Government Proxy war Retaliation against Oromo: Boarder Attacks
It is very hard to shed light on a human suffering when the world is bombarded with one tragic human history after another. The world has become a show case for various forms of violence, famine, indifference, greed and pure hate. It seems like mother nature has joined the destructive trends by unleashing the worst weather disasters known to us in recent years with more devastation to come. However, all of us come from a home, a place, people we call our own, my own place is Oromia. Oromia is a country fighting to survive. My people, Oromo have been fighting to restore their dignity and self-worth for generations under various Ethiopian regimes. The last 25 years under the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front is no different. We have fought to advance our right to life, to equality, to justice and to democracy on our own land and the fight still rages on.
In recent years Oromo people have resisted the dictatorial regime of Ethiopian in every way they can and still up in arms with it. People have taken it to the streets, they have boycotted government programs, markets, public meetings and tax hikes to show their dissent. The Ethiopian government answered their legitimate demands with more death, torture, disappearances, incarcerations, displacements and denial of necessities. These measures are taken against the Oromo people as an attempt to salience us once and for all. It is hard to care about one issue, in the world filled with nothing but chaos, nonetheless it is about unnecessary human suffering.
The complacency of Western government in this validated violence against the Oromo people and other ethnic groups all over Ethiopia will not be overlooked. The western enablers of a rotten regime unleashing unimaginable suffering on its own people is perplexing to say the least. It raises questions like, what is the geopolitical gain of the West for the complacency of this violence against innocent people? What does each Western country gain for turning a blind eye in this ethnic cleansing? How could one advocate for human rights and democracy and enable such a regime all at the same time? And many more questions that are even more harder to understand.
The boarder attack wages all over Oromia particularly East and West Hararge region is the result of retaliation against people who simply asked for their right to be respected. They are paying with their lives, limbs, incarcerations, rapes, displacements and hunger simply because they dared to ask for their God given rights. How can any of us show indifference to our brothers and sisters along the Oromian boarders while bullets rain on them daily? What would take for Oromo people to say we are in this together, we have to stand together, we must fight together and we will win together? Do we sit and wait for the bullets to come to each of our door steps to care? The suffering of one Oromo person is not enough to sound an alarm for those of us near and far? Why are Oromos on the boarder dying? You know why? Because they spoke for all of us, for Oromia, for each acre of land that makes Oromia a country that it is, that is why they are being sprayed with bullets.
The political differences between us about how to get to the mountain top should not be a hindering force for our progress nor should it be a catalyst for indifference. The current artificial bickering among us, character assassinations, name callings, and all destructive agendas will not allow us to serve the ultimate goal. The goal is to see a country we all call home from vultures of every kind past, present and the future. The goal is secure our home, so that generations that come after us will not be prosecuted simply for who they are. You can disagree, debate, and even walk away from ideas but what you should not do is turn it into smear campaign. It helps no one, particularly those we suppose to assist. Those who are standing in front of fire with their bodies to die for the same ideas we cannot even agree on.
The confusion of diaspora politics is having some effect in the way we respond to tragedies as they unfold. We suppose to help with, funds, advocacy and being moral supporters for the real heroes back home fighting for their survival. What are we doing we cannot contribute the bare minimum? What the use of our elaborate ideas if can turn to something practical that could help our people? Who is the hero? Who is dying? Why are they dying? What is our call? How do we serve the purpose? In what way can we serve the purpose? These are the questions we should ask ourselves, we are fortunate enough to be in someone else’s country, enjoying peace. We can use this advantage to help our people in an impactful way.
Oromia does not need leadership, a mouthpiece, or self-serving individuals from diaspora. What they need is a support system from us. A support system that can deliver financial, moral and political on the ground. They need a ground to stand on, to fight their own fight. We can be their ground, we can be their support, as soon as we understand it is never about us. It has always been about those who refuse to run from their country and fight try to make it better. It is about the Oromo people in Oromia. What are you going to do about that?

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Dhaamsa Obbo Lammaa Magarsaatiif: Suuta eejjatan suuta qoreen nama waraanti

Dhaamsa Obbo Lammaa Magarsaatiif: Suuta eejjatan suuta qoreen nama waraanti
                                       (jawa mohammed irra)
Haasaa Lammaa Magarasaa Abbootii Gadaa waliin Ardaa Jilaatti godhe amman dhaggeeffadhee fixe. Dimshaashatti wanniin hubadhe namtichi ji'oota muraasa dura hamma tokkos ta'u dhugaa Oromoo akkaataa miira saba kanaa hawwatuun dubbachuun dhageettii argate saffisaan gara OPDO duriitti deebi'aa jiraachuu isaati. Kanaafuu, gorsa gabaabaa armaan gadii kanan kennuu barbaada.
- Abbootiin Gadaa abbootii saba kanaati. Kabajaan isaanii pirazidaantii Oromiyaatiin dhiisi nama 'taraa' kamiinuu tuqamuun sirrii miti. Akkaataan Lammaan jaratti dubbataa kan maqaa waajira isaatiifi gulantaa Abbootii gadaa hin madaalle, kan tuffii of keessaa qabu ture. Akkuma warri dhaggeeffattan ragaa baatan Abbootiin Gadaa hundi isaanii ulfina isaaf godhanii akkuma aadaatti kabajaa waajjira pirazidaantiitiif malu dursanii ibsuun gaaffii dhiheessaa turan. Inni garuu deebii isaa keessatti akka jarri kun wal'aaloo ta'anitti itti gadi haasa'aa ture. Akka waan isa malee Abbootiin Gadaa waan Oromiyaafi Oromoon keessa jirtu quba hin qabneetti, akka waan isaan oduu qofaan oofamaniitti dhiheessaa ture. Dhugaan jiru garuu Abbootiin Gadaa kun waan hawaasa keessatti ija isaanitiin arganiifi gurra isaaniitin uummatarraa dhagayan kaasaa turan. Wanti isaan dubbatan tokkos soba miti. Inumaatuu yeroo ammaatti hawaasni keenya qaama mootummaa keessaa nama rakkoo isaanii itti himatan waan dhabaniif iyyata isaanii gara Abbootii Gadaa geessaa jiru. Dhimmuma daangaa kanarratti maanguddoonni Booranaa, Baalee, Harargee Finfinnee dhufanii qondaala isaan dubbisu yeroo dhabanitti kan karaa baneefi rakkoo isaanii dhaggeeffatee abdii kenneef Gumii Abbootii Gadaati. Kanaafuu, Abbootiin Gadaa waan jechaa jiran kana takkaa ijaan argan yookaan immoo arraba uummata isaanii irraa dhaga'an malee akka Lammaan yaadutti miidiyaa irraa hin dhageenye. Akkuma irraa dhageenyu jarri kun waan dubbatanis akka itti dubbatanis ni beekan. Hoogganni siyaasaa tuffachuu dhiisee qalbiin osoo dhaggeeffatee waa hedduu irraa barata. Abbootii Gadaa kana hamilee cabsanii caldhisiisuuf jecha xiqqeessurraa ulfeeffatanii ofitti qabuun Lammaafis ta'ee qondaalota biroof faayidaa guddaa qaba. Yeroo biyyi xaxaa siyaasaa keessa gale uummanni mootummaa hinamanne kanatti Abbootiin Gadaa, qondaalotaafi uummata jidduutti riqicha ta'uu danda'u. Qondaalonni mootummaas ta'ee kan mormituu, hayyonnis ta'ee Qeerroon, Abbootii Gadaa keenyatti yoo dubbatan ulfina sirna kabajamaa kanaan maluun waliin ta'uu qaba. 'Sabbaa abbaan gaafa cabse urmi ija jaamsaa' san irraanfachuu hin qabnu.
- Dubbachuun duratti haqa ( fact) lafarra jiru addaan baafadhu. Wanti ani pirazidasntota Oromiyaa garaagaraa irraa hubadhe waan Oromiyaa keessaa guyyaa guyyaan ta'u takkaa odeeffannoo hin qaban yookaan odeeffannoon dogongoraatu itti kennama. Fakkeenyaa Lammaan walgahii ardaa jilaa kanarrtti Liyyuu Poolisiin ummata Harargee fixaa jirtu soba guyyaadhuma jedhu san magaalaa Mi'eessoo walakkaatti nama lama ajjeefte. Guyyaa itti aanu nama 8 ajjeefte. Tobran san dura araddaalee baadiyaa keessatti nama lama galaafatte. Maarree Lammaan gaaga'ama kana quba hin qabumoo Ardaa Jilaa taa'ee Abbootii Gadaatti sobaa ture? Kanumaan walqabatee araddaalee naannoo Soomalee irraa gara Oromiyaa deebifne jedhee inni dubbates sirrii miti. Araddaaleen inni maqaa dhaye durumaanuu Oromiyaa jalatti bulaa kan turaniidha. Kanaafuu, akka itti gaafatamaa hojii raawwachiiftuu mootummaa Oromiyaatti ( Chief Executive Officer), waan Oromiyaa keessa jiru odeeffannoo qabatamaa ( raw facts) guyya guyyaan argachuun, murtiin dabarsus ta'ee deebiin kennu achirratti hundaa'uu qaba. Hubadhaa, gadaan sobanii dubbii jala dabran erga dabartee bubbultee jirti.
- Ummanni haasayaafi waadaa Lammaa akka gaariitti simatee akka ture waan hin haalamne. Haasaafi waadaa qofaan yeroo dheeraaf uummata bulchuun hin danda'amu. Ummanni keenya amma haasaafi waadaa dhaga'uu osoo hin taanee tarkaanfii qabatamaa qofa arguu barbaada. Dhimma daangaa ni furra ammaa booda Oromoon hin du'u jettan ji'a Eblaa keessa. Dhimmi daangaa ammas hin furamne, Oromoonis guyyuma guyyaan loltuu Abdi Ileetiin ajjeefamaa jira. Dhimma Finfinnee ni furra jettan. Wixinee laaqamaa san dhiheessitanii erga uummanni isin harkatti busheessee booda uummata mari'achiifna jettanii turtan. Achumaan lafa keessanii caldhiftan. Ormi garuu irratti of qopheessaa jira. Paarlaamaan ji'a tokko booda hojiitti deebi'a. Uummataafi hayyoota Oromoo akkasumas Caffee Oromiyaa osoo hin mariisisin labsii Finfinnee guutuutti dabarsee kennu san paarlaamaan yoo dabarse balaa biyya san diigutu uumamuuf deema. Waliigalatti yeroon haasayaafi waadaaf kenname dhumee jira. Yeroofi hireen dalagaan agarsiisuuf qabdanis saffisaan fiigaa jira.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Qabsoo fakkeessummaa fi dadammaqiinsa sobaatiin (false conscioiusness) Oromoo bilisoomsun ni ulfaata

Qabsoo fakkeessummaa fi dadammaqiinsa sobaatiin (false conscioiusness) Oromoo bilisoomsun ni ulfaata

                                                                                              By Kebede Desissa
Qabsoo fakkeessummaa fi dadammaqiinsa sobaatiin (false conscioiusness) Oromoo bilisoomsun ni ulfaata. Qabsoon dhugaan gatii nama gaafata. Kutannoo barbaada. Waan danda’an gochuu irraa eegalee hanga lubbuutti gatii kaffaluu nama gaafata. Oromoonni hedduun gatii kana kaffalaniiru. Kabajamuu mirga Oromoof jecha lubbuu itti dhabaniiru, hidhamanii irraanfatamaniiru, qaama itti hir’ataniiru, maatiin itti diigameera, itti hiyyoomaniiru. Waan kana garuu baay’ina Oromoon qabu waliin wal bira qabee yoon ilaalu nama meeqatu gatii akkasii kaffaluuf qophaa’aadha jedhee yoon tilmaamu abdii osoo hin taane yaaddoo natti naqa. Namni irra guddeessi fakkeessuu waan jaalatu natti fakkaata. Yoo waan gatii nama baasiftu ta’e itti mul’ate “si hin dhageenye” jedhee kan darbu heddu. Yoo waan gaaga’ama fi wareegama nama gaafatu ta’e lakkoofsi ni xiqqaata. Bakka lallaaftuu barbaaddanna, (nama hundatu akkasi jechaa garuu hin jiru. ). (Kana keessaa yeroo dhiyoo asitti nu baasaa kan jiru galanni kan Qeerroo haa ta’u). Qeerroon hojjechuu malee hedduu hin odeessu, qarshii mitii lubbuu isaafuu hin waakkatu.
Mee waanin gubbaatti kaasef fakkeenyota muraasan kaasa. Bara darbe Oromoo heddu rasaasa mootummaatin lubbuun of biraa dhabneerra. Warra lubbuun dhabaman deebisuu hin dandeenyu. Wanti lama garuu ni danda’ama ture: gumaa isaanii baasuu, maatii isaanii waliin dhaabachuu ni dandeenya ture. Kan qaamni hir’atee hojjetee jirachuu dadhabe manni haa lakka’u. Ani kanin ija kootin arge mucaa dargaggeessa miilli isaa akka malee miidhamee fayyuu dadhabee waan ittiin yaalamu dhabee Ambo keessa deemee kadhatu argeera. Hanna irratti miti, Oromoodhafi. Kan biraa, Oromoon mana hidhaa Mootummaa Federaalaa keessa jiru %80 oli. %90 ol immoo hidhamaa siyaasati. Isaan kana keessaa namni harki guddaan nama waa isaaf godhu mitii nama qaaman dhaqee gaafatu akka hin qabne warruma achi turanii bahan gaafadhaa. Isaan kanaaf Oromoon miiliyoonni 40/50’ni nuti jennu maal gochaa jira? Waan godhuuf dhabemoo kutannoo dhabe? Waggaa lamaan dura Dr Mararaan Yunivesiitii Finfinnee irraa arii’ame. Mindaan isaa dhaabbate. Mana keessa jiraatu keessaa baafame. Namni kun mana ofiif qabu qabsoo Oromootif gurguree oolche. Namoonni Muraasni “Oromoon walakkaan yoo qashii tokko tokko walitti darbate mana heddu binnaaf" jedhanii sochii eegalan. Namni hedduun kanaaf jecha wal baqachuu eegale (lubbuu kaffaluu miti, qarshiidha). Yaadichi osoo hin milkaa'in hafe. Bara darbe Ayyaana Irreechaa irratti lubbuu namoota dhibbaan lakaawamaniitu sirna nama nyaataa kanaan dhume. Maatii jara kanaa meeqa keenyatu quba qaba. Isaan kana keessaa waan garaa nama nyaatu, nama Obboo Dajanee jedhaman kan Sandaafadhaa haadhafi mucayyoo durbaa gaaf tokko dhaban akka dafqaan bulaa ta’an karaa VOA nutti himanii turan. Warra du’e hin galchinu, Ob/ Dajanee namni yaadannu hoo jirraa?
Har’a kana oggantoonni Paartii Oromoo mana hidhaa jiru. Maatiin isaanii nyaatanii, dhuganii, daara dhabanii meeqa keenyatu quba qaba? Of haa gaafannu. Wayyaaneen hiikuu didde, Oromoon hiiksisuu hin dandeenye, humna hiiksisuu dhabe waan ta’eef. Waan isaaniif gochuu dandeenyu keessaa immoo maatii isaanii bira maallaqaan dhaabachuu ture. Kana gochaa jirraa?
Garuu gadi baanee jechoota mimmiidhagoo garaa nama nyaatan dubbachuutti namni hedduun jabaadha. Gatii guddaa nama hin baasisukaa! Dubbachuun barbaachisaa miti jechaa hin jiru. Dubbachuun qofaa isaatti qabsoo fakkeessati (pretentious struggle). Waan tokko yeroo meeqa irra deddeebinee yoo dubbannu maalif? Hangam fayyada? Eessan nu gaha? Galma keenyaa? Jennee of gaafachuu dadhabnee jechootuma fiffilannee haasa’aa yoo feenemmoo arrabsaa oolla yoo ta’e beekumsa ykn dammaqiinsa sobaati (false consciousness).
Walumaa galatti, namni gahee isaa bahe/hu hin jiru jechuu koo miti. Namni hundi waan tokko hin hojjetus, garuu namni baay'een waan gochuu danda'u hin hojjenneedha. Waan lallaaftuutti cicha. Waan hojjechuu qabu irratti ajandaa hin baafatu, kan namni baasef irratti goota ta'a jechaan jira.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Haala Yeroo Oromiyaa Keessaafi Shoora Diyaasporaa

Haala Yeroo Oromiyaa Keessaafi Shoora Diyaasporaa
                                                                                     ( jawar Mohhamed irra )
Jidduu kana mormii Oromiyaa keessatti deebi'ee dhoo'een walqabatee qubni komii gara diyaasporatti qabamaa jira. Diyaasporaan Oromoo rakkoo hedduu qabaachuun isaa waan haalamuu miti. Komiin dhiyaataa jiru kun sirri moo sirrii miti jechuuf dura qabsoo keessatti shoorri diyaasporaa ( kan diyaasporaa Oromoo qofa osoo hin taane kamiyyuu) maali kan jedhu sirritti adda baafachuu qabna. Falmaan siyaasaa qaama lama qaba;operations and analysis & support. Operation kan jennuun hojii kallattiidhaan hojjatamu; kan akka gurmeessuu, diina irratti tarkaanfii fudhachuuti. Analysis & support kan jennu gargaarsa hojii qabatamaa saniif godhamuudha. Kun hojii xiinxalaa, deeggarsa meeshaa fi hamilee ( logistical and material support) of keessatti hammata.
Kanarraa ka'uun qabsoo biyya keessatti godhamuuf shoorri diyaasporaa kan lammataa san qofatti murtaaya. Jechuunis shoorri diyaasporaa deeggarsa kennuu qofaadha. Deeggarsa kana karaa gurguddaa shaniin godhuu danda'a. Miidiyaa, Qu'annnoofi qorannoo ( Knowledge production), Advocacy, diplomaasifi deeggarsa leeccalloo ( financial and logestical). Shoora deeggarsaa kana bira dabree hojii operational ta'e keessan lixa yoo jedhe milkaayuu hin danda'u. Sababni isaatis hojiiin operation qaamaafi yeroon dirree falmaa san keessatti argamuu gaafatti. Hojii hirmaannaa qaamaa gaafatu ammoo diyaasporaa ta'anii hojjachuun qilleensa irratti bishaan daakuudha. Milkiin guddoon baroota dabran kana argame yoo jiraate dhugaa kana diyaaspooraa irra jireessa hubachiisuun danda'muu isaati. Diyaasporaan shoorri isaa deeggarsa ta'uu hubatee jira, namni ala kana teenyee lolchiifnee biyya bilisoomsinee aangoo qabanna jedhe yaadu hagoodha. Diyaasporaan shoora isaa san hubatee hamma barbaachisaa ta'ettis bahuu baatu fooyyeeffataa dhufee jira.
Ummanni keenya biyya jirus yeroo dheeraadhaaf qabsaa'ota isaa biyyaa ari'atamantu bilisummaan naaf gala jedhee abdachaa ture. Sun ta'uu akka hin dandeenye waan hubateef qabsoo of bilisooomsuu ( self-libration) irratti xiyyeeffachuun injifannoo gurguddaa galmeessisaa jira. Milkiin baroota sadan dabran kana argame ummanni biyyaas ala ilaaluu hirdhisaa dhufuufi kan diyaasporaas shoora isaa sirrii hubachaa dhufuu isaatiini.
Haala waliigalaa irratti hammana erga jenne komii dhiheenya diyaasporaa irratti ka'aa jirutti haa deebinu. Waliigalatti komiin jirtu warri diyaasporaa ummata kakaasuudhaan mormiitti deebisee bulchiinsi Lammaa Magarsaa hojii gaarii eegale galmaan akka hin geenye godhaa jira; akkasumas diyaasporaan mootummaan kun erga kufee booda waan ta'uu qabuuf malu lafa hin keenya kan jedhuudha. Komii lachuufu mee haa ilaalluu.
Diyaasporaatu ummata kakaase kan jedhu kun shoora diyaasporaa akka malee ol kaasuun OPDO irraa komii maqsuuf yoo ta'e malee dhugaa hin qabu. Ummata irratti gibira humnaa olii kan fe'e diyaasporaadhaa laata? Lafti Oromoo taakkuun takka hin tuqamtu jedhanii erga waadaa galanii booda araddaalee 27 muree alagaadhaaf kennuuf kan malleetteessaa jiru diyaasporaadhaa laata? Hogganotaa Oromoo badii malee hidhee akka hattuutti kaateenaadhaan hidhee ummata keessa oofaa kan garaa sabaa gubaa jiru diyaasporaadhaa laata? Diyaasporaan kan godhe roorroo sabarra gahe kana bilisummaa qabuun fayyadamee miidiyaalee garagaraatiin dabarsuudha. Hubadhaa diyaasporaan dubbatee dubbatuu baatee diddaan ittuma fufa. Fakkeenyaaf torban dabre diyaasporaan wantoota hedduudhaan qalbiin isaa biyyarraa alatti garagalee ture. Miidiyaanis xiyyeeffannaan isaa taatewwaan diyaasporaa irratti ture. Mormiin garuu ittuma fufe. Maalif? Kan duraa rakkootu tasgabbii isa dhoorga. Kan lammaffaafi xiyyeeffannaan guddaan itti hin kennamin Oromoota marsaalee hawaasaa fayyadaman keessaa dhibbeentaan 80% Oromiyaa keessa jiru. Kanaaf osoo diyaasporaan useeyyuu humni biyyaa marsaalee hawaasaatiin wal kakaasuu ittuma fufa.
Rakkoo Lammaa Magarsaafaan keessa seenan jedhamuus kan ofitti fide isaanuma. Ji'a jaha keessatti birrii biliyoona 6 oliin dargaggoota miliyoona tokkoof hojii uumna jedhee waadaa galee abdii dargaggootatti horee ji'a sagala boodas miliyoonaaf dhiisi kuma dhibbaafu hojii qabatamaa agarsiisuu kan dadhabe isaani. Gibira humnaa olii ummatatti fe'anii, yeroo ummanni dallanu tole ni sirreessinaa jedhanii achumaan kan dhabaman isaani. Lammaan Waliso dhaqee waadaa kana seene. Ummannis tole jedhee duula gabaa lagannaa dhaabee hojiiitti deebi'e. Torban sadi eegee furmaata dhabnaan diddaa isaa har'a itti deebi'e. Harargee dhaqanii weerarri Liyyu Poolisii amma booda isinitti hin deebitu lafti teessanis taakkuun takka hin tuqamtu, kanas Abdi Ileen mallatteessera jedhanii ummata gammachiisanii gaala kan irraa qalatan bulchiinsuma Lammaati. Hancufti waadaa ittiin seenan sun osoo hin gogin araddaalee lafa gabbataafi seena qabeessa dabarsanii laachuuf mallatteessuun ummatuma kaleessaa isaan qeebale san mormiin akka itti bahu kan godhe isaanuma. Kaleessa gooftaan keenya ummata jechaa turan ( Wayyaanee miti jechuufi). Har'a hogganoota Oromoo kaateenaan hidhee kan dararaa ummata garaa gubaa jiru Wayyaaneedha. Gooftaan isaanii dhugumaan ummata osoo tahee hogganoota kana gadi dhiisuus dadhaban tuffii saba Oromoo irratti guyyaa adiin godhamu kana ni morman ture. Hanga amma qondaalli OPDO dhimma kanarratti waan tokkos dubbate hin jiru.
Haasaan biraa ammoo wantoota ummata muufachiisan kana Wayyaaneefi qaama OPDO Lammaa gufachiisuu fedhutu godhaa jira jedhan. Fakkeenyaaf mallaqa biliyoona 6.6 waadaa galame keessaa bilyoona 1.3 qofatu gahe kanaaf waadaan bakkaan gahamuu dadhabame jedhama. Kun dhugaas of keessaa qabaachuu mala. Maarree ummanni maal haa godhu? Ilmi keenya silaa waadaa bakkaan nuuf gahaa diinatu dhoorge jedhee gaddaa manaa rakkoo isaa haa hoo'ifatu moo qabsoo isaa daran haa finiinsu? Gibira kan dabale federaala ta'uun osoo beekkamuu of dhaaduudhaf jecha lakki ajajni federaalaa nutti kenname hin jiru, numatu galii guddifachuuf murteesse jedhee idaa ambaa kan ofitti fudhate Lammaafi kaabinee isaati. Ni sirreessina jedhee achumaan kan dhabames isaani. Daldalaan maal haa godhuree? Daldalaan kan barbaadu abbaan fedhes gibira irratti fe'us irraa kaafamuudha. Kaafamuu baannaan abbaan fedhe jidduutti macaraafamee qabsoo isaa itti fufuuf dirqama.
Dhumarratti diyaasporaan paartii jabaa tokko jaaruun furmaata fidaa hin jiru waan jedhun dubbisa. Kun shoora diyaasporaa kan armaan olitti kaafame san hubachuu dhabuurraa dhufa. Diyaasporaan biyya alaa kanatti paartii jaaree mootummaa kana kuffisee kursii mootummaa itti aanuu yaabbata jechuun waan hin fakkanneefi hin danda'amnesi. Diyaasporaan roga shanan armaan olitti insaman saniin tumsa qabsoo biyyaatiif gochuu cimsuu qaba. Paartiifi hoggansi bor biyya bulchus achuma jira. Hogganaa akka Marara Guddinaa, Baqqalaa Garbaa, Olbaanaa Lalisaafi Dajanee Xaafaa fa'atu jira. Ni hidhaman malee hin duune. Barreeffamni OPDO faarsu tokko tokko jiraachuu hogganoota kanaatifi dhaaba isaanii (OFC) waan irraanfatan natti fakkaata. Dhugaan jirtu garuu hayyoonni hidhaa jiran kun mootummaan kun kufnaanis hoggansa gahaa kennuu danda'u. Caasaan isaanis lola itti banameen haa riphuu malee laaftutti bayyanata. Shoorri diyaasporaa Qeerroon qabsoo geggeessaa jiraniifi hogganoonni kun akka jabaatan roga shanan saniin tumsuufidha malee ala kanatti jaarmaya siyaasaa bixxiluu miti. Walitti wacuun diyaaspooraa kun hamilee saba keenyaa akka tuqu waan haalamuu miti. Kun amaluma diyaasporaa hundaati. Ta'us kan Oromoo yeroodhaa gara yeroo fooyya'aa deemaa jira. Bala-barbaade kan walitti iyyu hawaasa guddaa keessa dhibbeenta 1% hin caalu. Kan hafe qabsoo biyyaatif tumsa gochuuf gaafa hojii qabatamaatti affeerame of duuba deebi'ee hin beeku.
Olola diyaaspora hadheessu oofuun tooftaa Mallas Zeenaan baafateedha. Akeekni isaas ummanni biyya keessa jiru obboleeyyan isaa baqa jiran akka tuffatu, jibbuufi abdii irraa kutatu gochuun gargaarsi roga shananii sun akka biyya hin geenyeefi. Ololli farra diyaasporaa sun akka dhugoommii argatuufis ministeera haajaa alaa keessatti damee dhimma diyaasporaa jaaruun waggaattii doolara miliyoona 40 ramadee ummata keenya ala kana jiru wal nyaachisuu irratti hojjataa turuun ni yaadatama. Haa ta'uutii garuu ummanni keenya dammaqinaan waan tarkaanfateef hamma yaadan hin milkoofne. Komiin diyaasporaa irratti ka'us kan akeeka diinaa kan diyaasporaan akka jibbamu godhuu san galmaan hin tumsineefi qeeqa ijaarsaaf fayyadu ta'uu mirkaneeffachuu feesisa. Diyaasporaan keenya rakkoo hedduu akka qabuufi walitti wacuun isaa ummata keenya biyya jiru hamilee akka tuqu shakkiin hin jiru. Rakkoolee kana furuun kan danda'amu qabsoo biyya keessaa finiinsuun qalbiin diyaasporaa walirratti osoo hin taane biyyatti akka xiyyeffatu gochuuni. Qalbii ummataa biyyatti deebisuun diyaasporas ni tasgabbeessa qabsoo biyyaattifis tumsa gaarii taha

Thursday, July 20, 2017



                                                                                    ( jawar Mohammed )
- Gibirri daldaltoota irratti humnaa ol fe'amuun erga dubbii kaasee torban lama dabree jira. Daldaltoonni dura gibirri kaffaluu qaban kan bara dabreetin yoo walbira qabamu dachaa hedduun dabaluu isaatiin komii isaani gara waajjira galiiwwanii dhiheessan. Komiin isaanii garuu dhageettii waan hin argatiniif gara mormiitti jijjiramuu eegale. Daldaltoonni Calanqoo hiriira bahuun mormii kana eegalan. uummanni Gudar ammoo diddaa hojii dhaabuu labsate. Gincii, Ambo, Walisoof magaalonni naannoo sanii itti aanan. Naqamteetti cehuun magaalaan cal taate. Mormiin kun guyyaa har'aa gara Gimbii, Dambi Doolloo, Mandiifi Najjoo cehe. Takkuma takkaan Oromiyaa walgahaa jira. Gibirri kun hanga ammaa kan ifatti daldaltootatti ibsame Oromiyaafi magaalaa Finfinneeti. Finfinneen duubatti haa harkifattuu malee har'a naannoleen muraasni suuqiilee isaanii guutuu guutuutti cufachuun mormichatti dabalamanii jiru.
- Gara mootummaatiin hanga ammaatti yaadni amansiisaa ta'e hin dhiyaanne. Gibirri inumaatuu hin daballeefi dabaluun sirriidha yaadota jedhan wal dhoofsisaa jiran. Sababa labsii muddamaatiifi tarkaanfii humnaa fudhatamaa tureen uummanni guutuutti cabee jiilee harka kennee jira jedhanii waan jala muranii turaniif mormiin kun ni ka'a jedhanii gonkumaa hin shakkine. Kanaafuu, miira rifatuufi hamaa keessa bu'anii jiran. Har'a boru nurraa dhabbata jedhanii abdachaa turan. Ammas 'oolmaa boruu ilaallee tarkaanfii itti aanu murteessina' ejjannoo jetturra jiran.
- Dhimmi gibiraa waan nama hundaa lafee tuqu waan taateef akka laaftuutti akka mootummaan hawwutti addaan waan dhaabbatu miti. Magaalonni dura hojii dhaaban hojiitti deebi'uun abdii kenneefi ta'a, garuu dogongoranii jiran. Qabsoo nagayaa keessatti qoqqobbiin diinagdee biyyi guutuun bifa takkaan gabaa lagachuunis ta'ee dabaree dabareen gochuun lamaanuu bu'aa buusa. Kan bakka takkaa sun dhiibbaa yeroosiifi qara qabu ( immediate and sharp) uumuun mootummaa harka kan kennisiisu yoo tahu, kan dabareen godhamu waldura dhaabbannaa dheeressuun dhawaataan dhiibbaa guddataa deemu uuma. Keessattuu haala mootummaan tun keessa jirtuun kan walharkaa fuudhinsaa kanatu irraa ishii miidha. Sababni isaas olola biiyyi tasgabboofte jechuun ummataafi faranjii amansiisuuf duulaa jiran fashaleessa. Guyyaa tokko magaalaa lammaan takkas yoo cufatte, odeeffannoon isaa miidiyaan waan bahuuf isaan cinqaa deema. Dheerachuun sun immoo magaalonni haara galfachaa sirnicha dagachiisaa akka deeman isaan gargaara. Tooftaan walharkaa fuudhuun dheeratee deemuu kun gaafileen biraa ka'uun duula kanarratti qaamni hawaasaa biraas akka itti dabalamu karaa waan banuuf hammasuma dhiibbaa dabalaa dhufa. Kanaafuu magaalonni guyyaa addaa addaa diddaatti seenuun kun waan ishii gargaaru yoo itti fakkaate mootummaan dogongortee jirti. Kana jechuun ummanni bifa harca'een haa deemu osoo hin taane daldaltoonni akkuma wal mari'atanii waliigalaniin guyyaa isaanif tolu murteeffachaa deemuun faayidaa qaba.
Odeeffannoo hanga ammaa nu gaheen guyyaa sadan as aanu diddaan kun daran babal’achaa akka deemuuf karoorfame akeeka. Kunis Jimaanniifi Sanbattan lamaan guyyaa gabaa waan ta'eef tarkaanfiin diddaa fudhatamu dhiibbaa cimaa qabaata.
- Ammaaf mootummaan tooftaa mee bullee ilaalla ( wait and see ) jedhu hordofaa jirti. Tooftaa kana garuu guyyoota sadeen tokko ol obsitee turuu hin dandeessu. Ofiif jecha gaaffilee uummataa kana deebisuun ishii waan hin oolle. Akkuma gubbaa kanatti tuqne bubbuluun humna ummataa harcaasa jettee haa abdattuu malee dhugaan jiru tooftaan amma ummanni eegale kan humna isaa qosachaa kan mootummaa laaffisaa deemuuf isa dandeessisuudha. Muuxannoo waggoota lamaan dabranirraa horames laafaa akka hin taane hubachuun barbaachisaadha.
-Guyyoota itti aananitti magaalonni akkuma qophii fixataniin itti dabalamaa haa deeman. Magaalonni dursanii eegalan gaafa humni laaffate haara galfachuun tooftaa sirriiti. Naamusni, bilchinni tooftaa ittiin filatan ( wise tactical selection) fi tokkummaan adeemsaa barbaachisaadha. Guyyoonni sadeen itti aanan hedduu murteessaa waan ta'aniif magaalonni hanga ammaa hin hirmaatin saffisaan qophii xumuratanii tarkaanfii fudhachuun dhiibbaa dabaluufi haamilee waliif kennuuf murteessaadha.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Deliberate Distortions, Misconceptions, or both ?

Deliberate Distortions, Misconceptions, or both ?

                                                                                      ( By Tsegaye Ararssa   )
In the discordant noises around Finfinnee and the Oromo rights there, there are distortions that recur, often riding high on popular misconceptions about some basic facts regarding the city, the federal system, the constitution, etc. Below, I will raise some of them to help enhance our clarity on the matter.
1. Finfinnee is often portrayed, wrongly, as a Federal Territory. It is not. Finfinnee, as a capital city of the Federal Government (Art 49(1)), is only the seat of the offices of the Federal Government. In other words, it is the site from which the federal government and its officials operate. It is an Oromo city in which the Head Office, as it were, of the Federal Government is located. Incidentally, it is important to remember that there is no land constitutionally designated as a federal district or territory in the Ethiopian federation. Legally speaking, there is no territory that the Federal Government claims as "naturally" its own until it is so designated by law. This means the Federal Government does not own Finfinnee or any territory anywhere in Ethiopia except those that are legally transferred to it by law.
2. Many people mistakenly think that the federal government can rightfully legislate for the city just because it is the seat of its government. This mistaken belief is the reason that the (arguably unconstitutional) Revised Family Code is imposed, by default, on Finfinnee and Dirree Dhawa (when it was realized, soon after it was passed in Parliament, that such a code cannot apply in the states because the states are not subjected to the legislative jurisdiction of the federal government on family matters). This should make it clear to all that the Federal Government can not directly issue legislations for the city, as that task belongs to the city council (and the state the city belongs to, i.e, Oromia).
3. Many people wrongly assume that Finfinnee is a (city) state. Yes, there was a time when it was a self-governing region in its own right (1991-1994). But after the country was constitutionally 'reorganized' (albeit fakely) as a federation in 1995, the city is not a self-standing state. It is an Oromo city that serves as the seat of the Federal as well as the Oromia Government. Constitutionally speaking, it is a city whose population is entitled to a measure of self-governance within the framework of its own city charter. Legally, its charter is subordinate to the constitutions of Ethiopia and of Oromia.
4. There are also people who mistakenly think that the working language of the city is (automatically) Amharic (because of the wrong assumption that it is a federal city). Such people go on to assert that making Afaan Oromoo the working language of the city violates the constitution. It is important to remember that the Federal constitution is silent about the language of the city. Given the city belongs to Oromia, the working language of wider Oromia is automatically, or naturally, the working language of the city because this is sanctioned by the Oromia Constitution. Under the Charter, be it out of ignorance or arrogance, only Amharic is made the working language of the city. This neglect of Afaan Oromo in the Charter and extra-constitutional singling out of Amharic as a working language in a state whose language is Afaan Oromoo is of course unconstitutional seen in the light of Oromia's constitution. It is this kind of unconstitutionality and illegal linguistic displacement that should be corrected through the so called "special interest" law and subsequent constitutional amendment.
5. There are many, especially in the Ethiopian(ist) right, who maintain that the people of Finfinnee are denied representation in the House of Federation (HoF). This is based on the double misconception about the HoF and the "substance" of the inhabitants of Finfinnee. The first misconception confuses the HoF with the Senate. According to the Ethiopian constitution, the HOF is not a Senate. In fact, one can refer to it as the "upper house" only as a matter of speaking (or of habit) as it is anything but an upper house of a legislative body. Its raison d^etre is representation of "nations, nationalities, and peoples" in the interpretive task of adjudicating disputes over collective rights to self-determination (political, cultural, territorial, and economic). The second misconception relates to the "nature" of the inhabitants. Finfinnee's inhabitants, being predominantly settlers that came from all corners of the country (and legally not constituting a "nation, nationality, and people" as per the definition of art 39(5)), have no ethno-national identity to be represented in the HoF (other than the ones represented by the politicians from their homelands). Nor do they have any demands of ethno-cultural justice [language, culture, identity, self-determination, secession, etc] that they aspire to process in the HoF (other than those protected for them by their representatives from their homelands).
Some of the above (and many other) distortions are caused by misunderstandings complemented by underdeveloped political culture that also doesn't comprehend federalism. (Some of it is already symptomatic of the weak legitimacy the federalism and the constitutional frame thereof command.) A large part of it is however the result of deliberate distortion by a political prejudice clouded by moral blindness. Whatever the cause, it is not an excuse to rail against a people's God-given rights to their own city and their identity therein.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Why EPRDF opted for a policy of Mutual self-annihilation on Addis Ababa ?

Why EPRDF opted for a policy of Mutual self-annihilation on Addis Ababa ?

                                                                                            ( Dr Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni )
In a tragedy akin to the Treaty of Wichale of May 2, 1889, the Ethiopian federal government is repudiating the self-governance rights of the Oromo people of themselves and their territory by trying to separate Addis Ababa from Oromia.
This is very problematic and evil by design which will undermine social harmony and peaceful coexistence among Ethiopians, and maybe even might lead to Ethiopia’s disintegration as a nation.
The issue is very simple for every living human being to understand. If Oromo lands where other Ethiopian ethnic groups settle in large number and live are snatched and taken away from the Oromo people under the pretext of Oromos have become minority in their own city or land or Oromos cannot govern other Ethiopian ethnic groups (which comes only out of the heart of a group who has extreme hatred and disrespect for the Oromo people), then, why on Earth will the Oromos allow for other ethnic groups to come and live among them in the first place?
This malicious and evil policy driven by shortsighted land grab agenda by few will force the Oromo people to adopt xenophobic attitude or not to allow anymore for other Ethiopian ethnic groups to live anywhere among the Oromo people. That is natural human instinct particularly when it is clear that the policy is not to live together with the Oromo people but to slowly take Oromo people's land by eliminating the Oromo.
This is not nuclear science. All Ethiopians who really care about Ethiopia and harmony among Ethiopians should just close their eyes for a minute and think about it. It is a nightmarish situation. I don’t understand why EPRDF is doing this against the Oromo people and the Ethiopian people unless the intention is something evil and sinister.
I strongly advise EPRDF and the Ethiopian government to immediately restore the status of Addis Ababa as one of the Oromia cities under Oromia jurisdiction, and decide upon the special interest of the federal government in Addis Ababa.
Imagine what will happen if the same situation is contemplated on Gonder, Bahir Dar, Mekele or Awassa? Will the Amhara or Tigray people sit idle?
How long could the EPRDF continue disrespecting the Oromo people and for what end?! If the EPRDF as a group thinks the Oromo people will not assert their rights in their own country and on their own land? Then, the EPRDF has little understanding of the Oromo people and the Ethiopian history! I don’t know why this policy of mutual self-destruction become a top priority for the EPRDF when there are many other policy options available to it?

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Question of Finfinnee: Beyond the Language of Favor or Appeasement

The Question of Finfinnee: Beyond the Language of Favor or Appeasement

                                                                                        ( By Tsegaye Ararsa  )
With the re-emergence of the talk about the so called Oromia's "special" interest law, the debate is raging in various corners on the identity, name, administration, language(s), etc of the city. In some circles, this debate is rife with the anxiety about the relationship between the Oromo and the city in the light of the anticipated relatively weightier presence of the Oromo in the city. The anxiety also betrays a particular kind of fear informed by the history of othering ideologies, discourses, and practises that effectively distanced the Oromo from the city while they are still there.
The othering practice was materially effected through military, political, legal, and administrative measures to dispossess, dislocate, and displace the Oromo.
In 130 years since the city's incorporation into the Ethiopian empire of late 19th c, the Oromo became a minority in their own city currently constituting only 19 % of the city's total population.
The name of the city was changed into Addis Ababa. The names of the villages and suburbs that constitute what has today become the 'Greater Finfinnee area' have also been replaced by Amharic names or some disfigured versions of the original Oromo names. The sites of public religious/spiritual, legal/adjudication, and political/legislative et al proceedings were transferred to sites of the garrison forces and the various service giving institutions that followed them. This and the near total destruction of the forest and natural environment has disfigured the city beyond recognition.
With the settlement of the new forces of conquest and their accompaniments and with legal and lawless eviction of the Oromo, the demography quickly started to change. With the city becoming the capital city of the empire, more and more settlers started to dwell in the city thereby diversifying its ethnic set up and configuration. Along with the change of demography came the change of culture, language, and identity.
The official privilege of a particular culture, language, and identity and acts of variously erasing the Oromo culture, language (Afaan Oromoo), and the repositories of identity (such as history, narratives, and memory) removed the latter from the city. Soon, these aspects of Oromummaa were exiled, physically, into the peripheries of the city and, temporally, into the past of the Ethiopian modernity, alias known as "Zemenawinet." With the renaming of places and designating sites, squares, streets, buildings, bridges, and schools almost exclusively serving to memorialize and monumentalize the settlers, the displacement of the Oromo was nigh complete.
Having thus pushed out the Oromo, the city styled itself 'modern' and thus different and distant from Oromos and the wider Oromia. The current legal excision that made it outside the politico- administrative jurisdiction of Oromia (since 1991) is a continuation of the tradition of alienating the city from Oromia only signifying and dramatizing the more violent practice of othering the Oromo from the polity (thereby excluding them from the city's and the wider country's political space).
The recent practices of aggressive land grabbing and massive evictions that penetrated territories beyond the confines of the city (typified by the Master Plan) provoked a massive popular anger densely saturated with deeper historic (political) grievances caused by the trauma of dispossession, dislocation, and exile (in one's own home).
When the resistance to the Master Plan morphed into the #OromoRevolution that shook the regime to its core, the TPLF/EPRDF regime started to talk about the need to legislate on the "Special interest' of Oromia, if only to appease the resisting youth and to calm them down as it also strives to remain in power.
To anyone who pays attention, the discourse on the special interest sounds more like a favour, a preferential treatment, the regime is according to Oromia and Oromos. To speak of a list of special interest to be granted to Oromia in what is its own land by the settlers already speaks volumes about how the guest (the settlers) has turned itself into the host and made a guest out of the host (the Oromos).
Some Modest Proposals
It has to be stated clearly to all that the "special interest" is not a favor granted to Oromia. If anything, it implicitly 'validates' the settlers as having the authority to decide what Oromia deserves to get from them (who in actual fact have nothing to give as 'usurpers' of what is actually Oromia's).

Similarly, it is imperative to state explicitly that it is not favor that Oromia is demanding when it asserts its natural and constitutional rights over the city. It is seeking restoration into what is its own.
Seen in this light, it seems to me, anything done on Oromia's right over Addis Ababa should clearly spell out, at least, the following:
1. Finfinnee is an Oromo city. It belongs to Oromia. The Oromo ownership of the city shall be recognized in official words of acknowledgement of the original owners of the land in all public proceedings.
2. Oromia is the beneficiary of the "special interest" clause of the constitution. Any "special interests" to be stipulated are primarily the interests of the State of Oromia.
3. Finfinnee is the capital city of Oromia. As such, it shall have the right to build offices as necessary for its services and construct buildings for schools, cultural centers, and community centers. It shall also build places of residence for staff. It shall have free access to land as appropriate.
4. Finfinnee shall continue to serve as the seat of the Federal Government until such time as new capital city is designated or established through negotiation among the members of the Federation.
5. The city’s indigenous name, Finfinnee, shall be the official name of the city alongside “Addis Ababa,” an appellation imposed on it by the Empire in 1886.
6. Afaan Oromoo shall be the working language of the city as it is in the wider Oromia. In addition to Afaan Oromoo, Amharic (being the language that is currently widely spoken in the city) shall also be a working language of the metropolitan city government.
7 The Finfinnee metropolitan area shall have its own democratically elected government. The city's government shall be constituted and in accordance with the country's constitution, the electoral laws, the city's charter, and other relevant laws. The operation of the government shall also be guided by the principles of the country's higher laws, Oromia's constitution, its own City Charter, Oromia's Urban Governance Laws, and other laws of urban regulation.
8. The city government shall have the duty to inform, consult, and seek advice from the Government of the State of Oromia on all matters of common concern.
9. The Government shall be accountable to the State of Oromia. On issues extending to the wider Oromia, the city government and the government of Oromia shall exercise power of co-administration. There shall also be schemes of inter-city legal cooperation on matters of crime, forest and natural eco-management.
10. The constitutional human rights of all residents of the city shall be fully respected. In particular, they shall have full measure of self-government at the municipal level.
11. The rights of non-Oromo residents to mother tongue education shall be respected. Details shall be regulated by the directives of the Education Bureau. The culture, language, and heritage of Oromos in the city shall be promoted and properly memorialized through designating buildings, squares, places, streets, Halls, statues that monumentalize important Oomo suburbs, historical events, personalities, etc.
12. The government of Oromia shall have a reasonable share of the revenues raised in the city.